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New Product – SPNG Caboose 467-updated photo

PLW is pleased to announce the next new SPNG kit. Caboose 467 will be available in Sn3 and On3/On30 scales. The kit features 3D printed ends with grab irons attached. All correct 3D printed parts for the cupola, bolsters, end platforms, stacks and windows. Click on the image below to order your kit or to receive more information.

SPNG Caboose 467 rendering
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Strong Toothpick Clearing House – HO Scale

PLW is pleased to announce a new structure kit: the Strong Toothpick Clearing House in HO scale. This is a Limited Edition kit. Please click on any of the images below to contact PLW to order your kit or get more information.

Overall structure image
Front elevation
Foundation detail including platform
Close up of structure details
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New Product Announcement

PLW is announcing new products: one piece roof, Bridgton SOCONY fuel oil storage tank and sideframes. Also coming is Kingfield covered station in three scales.

PLW will be attending the 41st National Narrow Gauge Convention in Hickory, NC. We’ll be at the 44th NNGC tables. Click on any image to contact PLW for additional information.

One piece roof in both HO and O scale. Shown front to back: HOn2/HOn30 Jackson & Sharp roof ( matches the new coach being built at WW&F). True On30 roofs based on US built 30-inch gage cars – RPO baggage shown. Back, Jackson & Sharp RPO baggage and coach roof, O scale. Not shown is the Laconia coach, combine and RPO roof.
Sideframes in HO and O scale. Diamond style freight trucks, never before offered in any scale.
Bridgton SOCONY fuel oil storage tank, one piece. Also coming are the B&SR tank cars.

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SR&RL Logging Presentation/Zoom Meeting

Learn about logging, lumbering, sawmills and related industries in Franklin County, Maine. Includes a rich history of logging with the SR&RL. The Zoom meeting will be held Thursday, March 11, starting with two-foot conversation at 7pm and the logging presentation starting at 7:30pm.

You will be able to download the PowerPoint presentation as well as attend a virtual Zoom meeting hosted by Gary Kohler. Click on the image to purchase the presentation and virtual Zoom meeting.

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New Passenger Cars!

PLW is pleased to announce the following passenger car kits. All kits are O-scale. S-scale coming soon.

  • B&SR RPO/Baggage 10/31
  • F&M 1/SR&RL combine 11 (early version)
  • W&Q 3 / WW&F Coach 2 or 3 / B&SR Coach 18

Click on any image to go to the ordering page.

Bridgton & Saco River RPO/Baggage 10/31
Franklin & Megantic Combine 1
SR&RL Combine 11 (early version)
Wiscasset & Quebec Coach 3
Bridgton & Harrison coach 18