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New Product Announcement

PLW is announcing new products: one piece roof, Bridgton SOCONY fuel oil storage tank and sideframes. Also coming is Kingfield covered station in three scales.

PLW will be attending the 41st National Narrow Gauge Convention in Hickory, NC. We’ll be at the 44th NNGC tables. Click on any image to contact PLW for additional information.

One piece roof in both HO and O scale. Shown front to back: HOn2/HOn30 Jackson & Sharp roof ( matches the new coach being built at WW&F). True On30 roofs based on US built 30-inch gage cars – RPO baggage shown. Back, Jackson & Sharp RPO baggage and coach roof, O scale. Not shown is the Laconia coach, combine and RPO roof.
Sideframes in HO and O scale. Diamond style freight trucks, never before offered in any scale.
Bridgton SOCONY fuel oil storage tank, one piece. Also coming are the B&SR tank cars.